AAK never cheat in 13 years, and has become the ODM factory of top 10 hydraulic valve brands in the

I\'ve been working on hydraulic valves for 13 years, but I never say I\'ve focused on hydraulic valves for 13 years.

13 years of hydraulic valve career, has been adhering to. I think no matter what you do, 10 years is a cycle, because only 10 years of persistence can make some small achievements, but they are only small achievements, which can\'t catch up with success. There must be compound interest in long-termism, but it does not mean that we should do it mechanically in the 10 years and then wait for the arrival of the cycle moment of the 10 years. It\'s impossible for me to stick to the industry for 10 years if without orders coming one by one in the daily working time, absolutely not possible. Therefore, long-termism is to produce hydraulic valve orders, while making hydraulic valve innovation at the same time. After 10 years of deliberate learning, pondering and imitating the major brands of international first-line hydraulic valves, we can make some small achievements at the time of the arrival of 10 years.

AAK hydraulic valve is not a big brand. I never imitate the words of \"lyrical romance\" of big brands. Instead, I insist on what benefits AAK hydraulic valve can bring to users, what problems have been solved and what pain points have been solved, that is, the difference of AAK hydraulic valve function and performance from its peers.

It has been 13 years since I started my business. 70% of the hydraulic valve customers come from the network and 30% of the customers come from the introduction of these 70% customers. My idea is like this:

Never burn money to advertise hydraulic valves. Almost all of them are free promotion at the cost of a lot of time and energy. There seems to be no holiday in a year. I have to work for about 12 hours every day. Because I\'m stupid, I can only do a little every day, but I never stop.

Focus on the cartridge hydraulic valves, a single large category, which has been used in the hydraulic system in the fields of engineering machinery, agricultural machinery, field exploration and aviation flight. It is positioned for high-end customers who pay attention to quality and never produce the market common quality.

For the raw materials and semi-finished products, process and technology, production equipment and production line control of hydraulic valves, I dare not say I am proficient in these 4 parts, but at least at the level of assistant engineer. This is the basic skill and hard work of doing content.

Like to output the content of hydraulic valves, write the content that customers want to see and will see, so as to attract real hydraulic valve customers and help customers solve problems, even if they give customers a \"so it is\".

Mindfulness to be a man and to do things. I never believe in the concept of \"treat the company as your family\", which either cheat employees or cheat yourself. In my understanding, mindfulness is not to cheat, or make small movements under the table.

It is not difficult to improve the quality of hydraulic valves, and it is difficult for me to understand why some hydraulic valve manufacturers like producing market goods. As long as the cost of raw materials and semi-finished products is increased by 5 ~ 10%, the quality of hydraulic valves can be greatly improved. I don\'t know, why can\'t these bosses change? AAK hydraulic valve adheres to the top 1% of the subdivided market. At the same time, it aims at the global first-line hydraulic valve brands in terms of quality, first benchmarking them, and then surpassing them. With 13 years of long-termism and being the ODM factory of the global top 10 hydraulic valve brands for many years, AAK has been able to surpass the international first-line brands in terms of export quality and price.

AAK hydraulic valve, never cheating or doing small movements under the table

Цена: 100 руб.
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