Henan Forever Medical CO., LTD - о компании

Forever Medical is a company specialized in materials and related products for the chemical composition, physical performance analysis,testing instruments and equipment suppliers and service providers. The products series are:Lab Equipment,ICU Equipment, Medical Imaging, Cold Chain Medical deep freezer, Medical consumables. Mainly products are : Anesthesia System Machine, Patient Monitor, Ventilator, Ultrasound System Machine, Hematology and Biochemistry Analyzer, X-ray System, Dental Sterilization, Machine, Surgical Pliers, and Hospital Patient Bed.

Предложения компании

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3 部分血细胞特性 20个参数+3个直方图 2个计数通道高达60个样品/小时 10.4″大彩色显示屏 压缩器、USB接口 稳定、耐用、经济
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Henan Forever Medical CO., LTD
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