Револьверные головки 40-16P

Револьверные головки 40-16P
Specificity: ?Indexing mechanism adopts the combination of cylindrical cam and cam bearing, with nice indexing accuracy and low noise. ?Tool sleeve is made of engineering plastic ABS, with light weight, nice stability ,smooth running and no noise. ?Short changing-tool time and no motion shock. ?Controlled by proximity switch so as to ensure the correct actions. ?Beautiful and dignified contour. ?Suitable for BT type,CDT type,CAT type , HSK type tool handle. Dimension Parameters Size D1 D A C H L ?0 40-16P 626 546 500-640 395 328.6 46.5 60?65?70?75?80?85?90 40-20P??? 626 546 500-640 395 328.6 46.5 60?65?70?75?80?85?90 40-20P 700 620 500-640 395 365.6 46.5 60?65?70?75?80?85?90 BT40-24P 700 620 500-640 395 365.6 46.5 60?65?70?75?80?85?90 BT40-24P??? 855 775 500-640 550 443.1 46.5 60?65?70?75?80?85?90 BT40-30P 855 775 500-640 550 443.1 86.5 60?65?70?75?80?85?90 Characteristic Parameters Size Choose tool mode Magazine capacity Tool handle type Max Tool Dia. Max. Tool Weight Max Tool length Time of changing tool Air source pressure Power voltage Kg Net WT A B 40-16P Free mode 16 BT40 105 205 8Kg 300 1.8s 0.6MPa 220V/380V 195 40-20P Free mode 20 BT40 84 165 8Kg 300 1.8s 0.6MPa 220V/380V 200 40-20P Free mode 20 BT40 95 190 8Kg 300 1.8s 0.6MPa 220V/380V 280 BT40-24P Free mode 24 BT40 79 159 8Kg 300 1.8s 0.6MPa 220V/380V 295 BT40-24P Free mode 24 BT40 100 198 8Kg 300 1.8s 0.6MPa 220V/380V 320 BT40-30P Free mode 30 BT40 80 160 8Kg 300 1.8s 0.6MPa 220V/380V 340
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Информация по Револьверные головки 40-16P предоставлена компанией-поставщиком Bo Heng Industrial (Бо Хен Индастриал), ООО. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».
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