Ротационная печь RT-134 Rotatherm Oven

Ротационная печь RT-134 Rotatherm Oven
Ozkoseoglu Rotatherm ovens are very useful and economical ovens for bakeries and patisserie chains. Thanks to its powerful heating and isolation system, they reach the baking temperature in a short time at start; and never lose its efficiency even on maximum load and consecutive baking process.

Rotatherm ovens also have steam generators on both left and right side. This means a remarkable increase on the quality and consistence of steam.

Unlike any other rack ovens, rotating table is placed at the bottom in Ozkoseoglu Rotatherm ovens. The trolley is locked by a spring loaded ball and turns by a gearmotor. This system prevents extra load on the main frame of the oven, enhances the durability and offers easy maintenance.


'Convection' word literatually means the movement of heated air particles. In this system, the air leaves its heat when it flows horizontally through the baking chamber. And, the laminar airflow with 'soft touch' of heating air results in slowly and well baked, brighter products.


Easy operation with less manpowerStainless steel outer surfaces, baking chamber and combustion unitRotation system and well balanced laminar distribution of heating air ensures perfect bakingDouble steam generator placed on both left and right side of the baking chamberTemparature, baking time, steam amount controlsThermostat system which controls the temperature of exhaust gases, prevents overheating and ensures safetyAutomatic loading platform which moves up with the door lock ensures leakproofingDigital and programmable control panel with recipe memory ( Optional )Fuel options: Natural gas, LPG, LNG, diesel, fuel oil and electricity ( RT134 and RT100 only )Istege bagl? mikroislemcili dijital kontrol panosu.
Rotatherm oven is recomended for the production of :

Bread Types (Loaf, Bun& Rolls, Toast Bread)High capacity of pastry productsPre baking of fermented products ( Pizza dough, ravioli production etc.)Drying processes in food industry
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Информация по Ротационная печь RT-134 Rotatherm Oven предоставлена компанией-поставщиком ДСМ Машинери, ООО. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».
Контакты компании
Московская область
Москва, ул. Николоямская, д. 49, стр. 1, оф. 410, ст. м. Марксистская
+7 (495) 9126180
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