Abris Aquastop

Abris Aquastop

Abris Aquastop: sealing of pipe- or cable wall inlets and hollow spaces.

Temperature ranges: from -60°C to + 140°C.
Ambient temperature should not be below -20°C. Sealing is not recommended when it rains, snows and fogs.

Tools, equipment and auxiliaries:             

- metal spatula;  

- air pistol for folic tubes, 600 ml;

- a knife or scissors;

- wooden spatula;

- rags.

Sealant preparation: Sealant is ready for use. When the ambient temperature is below + 5°C applying can be performed only after exposure of the sealant at temperature not below + 15°C for 24 hours.

Surface preparation: All surfaces must be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, hoarfrost, the remains of cement mortar. Install a barrier At the depth of sealing install a sealant limiter. It may be foam rubber or any other material. It adheres on dry and wet surfaces.

Application instruction:

Pull a tube of Abris® material out of the box. Cut a clip with a knife or scissors. Insert the tube into the pistol with the end of the clip inwards. Using the pistol fill the gap between the surface of channel and cable or pipe with the sealant.

When filling the inlet with the sealant there must not be voids and gaps. The thickness of the separation layer between the cables and the walls of the inlet should be at least 10-15 mm.

Mix the cement mortar with water to plastic consistency to fill the remaining cavity. Smooth the outer surface with a spatula. The curing time of cement mortar at a temperature of 20°C is ≈ 16 - 20 hours.

Storage. Store in a dry place for 12 months.

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Герметик саморасширяющийся Stopaq FN 2100 Aquastop 0,53 кг.

STOPAQ® FN 2100 представляет собой мягкую пастообразную массу, которая не затвердевает и позволяет также последующее протягивание кабелей и проведение трубопроводов. STOPAQ® FN 2100 особенно п
Информация по Abris Aquastop предоставлена компанией-поставщиком Завод герметизирующих материалов, ООО. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».
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+7 (8313) 275078
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