большой водородный электролизный генератор пэм с высокой чистотой 99.999%
Mobile: 008618020714921 (WhatsApp)
Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water in containers
Integrated hydrogen production with water
electrolysis Separated type water electrolysis Hydrogen production
Hydrogen production plant with electrolysis of water in ZXD containers, Integrated
electrolyzer, gas-liquid processor, tower cleaning equipment, control
cabinet, rectifier cabinet. the high purity hydrogen production capacity can
reach 100Nm3 / h per set. The
hydrogen purity is 99.999% and the dew point is 70 (℃).
Part number ZXD-15 ZXD-20 ZXD-24
Hydrogen production (m3 / h) 15 20 24
Oxygen production (m3 / h) 7.5 10 12
Hydrogen purity (V / V) (≥) 99.99% (≥) 99.99% (≥) 99.99%
Oxygen purity (V / V) (≥) 92.5% (≥) 92.5% (≥) 92.5%
Working load 50 (%) ~ 100 (%) 50 (%) - 100 (%) 50 (%) - 100 (%)
Working pressure (MPa) 1.5 ~ 3.0 1.5 ~ 3.0 1.5 ~ 2.6
Hydrogen moisture content (g / m3 ) ≤4 ≤4 ≤4 Hydrogen
alkalinity (mg / m3) ≤1 ≤1 ≤1
Operating temperature (℃) 85 ± 5 85 ± 5 85 ± 5
Cooling water flow (m3 / h) 2.6 3 3.6
Option DC power (kWh / m3H2) ≤4.3 ≤4.3 ≤4.3
Company Profile
We are professional manufacturers and suppliers of hydrogen generators, containerized hydrogen generators, hydrogen purification systems, hydrogen plants, water electrolysers and suppliers, specialized in providing the best services at a competitive price.
Zhongxinda is committed to sustainable hydrogen energy.
We can independently design, on-site installation, commissioning, commissioning, maintenance, overhaul and technical conversion of the entire hydrogen production and supply station, as well as provide timely and efficient after-sales services.
Zhongxinda has already passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification.
Zhongxinda has already passed ISO45001 occupational health system
Zhongxinda has already passed ISO14001 environmental management system
Email Mail: sales7@zxdh2.com&, lt; , br> mobile: 008618020714921 (WhatsApp)
Website: www.zxdh2.c, om
After-sales Service
We have a professional after-sales service team for hydrogen production systems.
with rich experience in servicing hydrogen machines.
the state and environment of the hydrogen production machine, we will help you optimize
and upgrade the system, design a platform suitable for the machine operation,
improve monitoring and detection for DCS and PLC, improve the operational safety
and use of the hydrogen production equipment cycle to reduce system failure
caused by peripheral equipment (hydrogen compressor, dryer, PLC controller, etc.)
as well as equipment failure or accident caused by pionel operating errors.
Due to the system shutdown due to the failure of individual components for the
most commonly used (such as system pressure imbalance and inaccurate measurement of the
analyzer caused by the failure of the pressure sensor and), we have stable detection
methods and equipment for the maintenance of the hydrogen production machine.
Other products and services
Electrolyzer, hydrogen electrolyser, hydrogen technology, H2 fuel cell, hydrogen
fuel technology, separate type ZXD water electrolysis Hydrogen production
system Container-type hydrogen plant with water electrolysis
Integrated equipment for hydrogen production with water electrolysis
Hydrogen purification system Hydrogen
system cooling water circulation
Email Mail: sales7@zxdh2.com
Mobi, le: 008618020714921 (WhatsApp)
Website: www.zxdh2.c, om
свинец чистотой 99,999% и 99,9999%
марок С-000 и С-0000Порошок медный ультрадисперсный марки ПМУ чистотой 99,999%
Порошок медный ультрадисперсный марки ПМУ чистотой 99,999%. Предприятие реализует продукцию,порошок медный ультрадисперсный марки ПМУ,чистотой 99,999%. Условия продажи по согласованию.Каждая партия тоИзотоп цинка Zn66, чистота 99,999% и 99,99%
Изотопы цинка Zn66. Степень чистоты 99,999% и 99,99% природного изотопного состава. Суммарное содержание металлических примесей в партии составляет 0,001% и 0,01% масс. Возможно изменение химическогоУникальный водородно-кислородный генератор большой мощности с электролизером pem hho
Мобильный: 008618020714921 (WhatsApp) Производство водорода при электролизе воды в контейнерах Комплексное производство водорода с электролизом воды Электролиз воды разделенного типа Производство водоДжинсы клеш женские с высокой талией черного цвета 2828_716Ch
Фабрика производителя предлагает купить оптом от производителя женские джинсы клеш с высокой посадкой дешево в Москве с доставкой по всей России и СНГ 2828_716Ch МатериалХлопок;Ткань;ТекстильСостав97Информация по большой водородный электролизный генератор пэм с высокой чистотой 99.999% предоставлена компанией-поставщиком Bou. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».