The old customer in the Netherlands who did not change the factory easily failed again and again. AA

Marten is an old customer from a Dutch hydraulic company. He is very cautious in the business of hydraulic valves and never changes hydraulic valve suppliers easily. AAK hydraulic valve reached the first cooperation of hydraulic relief valves under the introduction of his friend. It has been 3 years, and he orders 2 types of hydraulic relief valves with AAK every year. We have a very good personal relationship, and often communicate about some hydraulic valve technology.

Last month, Marten had an order for a special hydraulic relief valve that requires a surface roughness Ra of 0.1~0.2μm, which is more than 4 times accurate than the normal standard. All the hydraulic relief valves of this series are purchased from the hydraulic valve manufacturer that he has cooperated with for 5 years. This manufacturer has tried this hydraulic relief valve for 3 consecutive times, but the Ra value is still not up to standard. Marten thinks of AAK hydraulic valve. In the email, he has been emphasized that the surface roughness Ra value of hydraulic relief valve must reach 0.1~0.2μm. According to the hydraulic relief valve drawings sent by Marten, after discussion, AAK engineers expressed 90% certainty that the Ra value could reach 0.1~0.2μm. Marten seems to see hope, but also fear. He asked AAK TO try samples immediately. At the same time, the original hydraulic relief valve manufacturer was also requested to continue the sampling.

AAK arranged the most experienced technicians to operate the knife, first of all in the rough turning stage, cutting depth adjustment to 0.8~1.5mm, feed to 0.2~0.3mm/r, cutting speed to 30~50m/min and so on, after the rough turning Ra value is 12.5~6.3μm, while leaving 0.5~1mm as fine turning margin; Secondly, in the finishing stage, the cutting depth is adjusted to 0.1-0.3mm and the small feed is 0.05-0.2mm /r. At the same time, the cutting speed is ensured to reach the moderate value and the roughness Ra value is ensured to reach 0.2-0.16μm. AAK sent the hydraulic relief valve samples 10 days later.

On the 3rd day after receiving the samples of AAK hydraulic relief valve, Marten informed us by email that the Ra value of the surface roughness was up to standard. At the same time, he also informed that the original hydraulic relief valve manufacturer also continued the sampling, but failed in 5 samples for 5 times, while AAK succeeded in one time. He asked us to catch time to prepare material, he would discuss the PO of hydraulic relief valve with AAK after he confirmed the order quantity and the delivery date with his customer.

For high precision hydraulic relief valve roughness Ra value, in addition to use high precision lathes, good technicians are the key, to be good at adjusting lathe parameters according to different processing, for this hydraulic relief valve, AAK technician advantages are reflected in:

High speed and small cutting depth and feed are selected to reduce the residual area and Ra value. When finishing, select high-speed and small cutting depth and feed rate to reduce the residual area and reduce the Ra value. Grinding the front and rear tool surfaces of the turning tool with engine oil, can effectively reduce the Ra value of the workpiece surface. The 32 year old mechanic operating the machine tool, who can know whether the Ra value of the hydraulic relief valve is normal or not by just listening to the processing sound.

The Ra value of AAK hydraulic relief valve is 4 times that of the conventional standard and 2 times that of its peers. You can also have a small try.

AAK HYDRAULIC VALVES (232) 2022-05-20

Цена: 100 руб.
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