TDRF Series Concrete Fast Freeze-thaw Chamber

TDRF Series Concrete Fast Freeze-thaw Chamber



Condenser cooling wayair-coolingair-coolingair-cooling
Number of test pieces (pieces)281610
Specimen size(mm)100×100×400,The temperature measuring parts are of the same size, and there are temperature measuring holes in the middle.100×100×400,The temperature measuring parts are of the same size, and there are temperature measuring holes in the middle.100×100×400,The temperature measuring parts are of the same size, and there are temperature measuring holes in the middle.
Freezing end time/test piece center temperature(℃)1.5~2.5h/-17±2(New standard -18±2)1.5~2.5h/-17±2(New standard -18±2)1.5~2.5h/-17±2(New standard -18±2)
Melting end time/test piece center temperature(℃)1.0~1.5h/8±2℃(New standard 5±2)1.0~1.5h/8±2℃(New standard 5±2)1.0~1.5h/8±2℃(New standard 5±2)
Freeze-thaw cycle2.5~4h,The melting time is not less than 1/4 freeze-thaw cycle.2.5~4h,The melting time is not less than 1/4 freeze-thaw cycle.2.5~4h,The melting time is not less than 1/4 freeze-thaw cycle.
The temperature difference between the center and the surface of the specimen(℃)<28<28<28
Number of cyclesThe standard is 300 times, and the number of cycles can be adjustedThe standard is 300 times, and the number of cycles can be adjustedThe standard is 300 times, and the number of cycles can be adjusted
Temperature recorderLCD touch screen controllerLCD touch screen controllerLCD touch screen controller
Freeze-thaw cycle medium-45°C antifreeze (1:1 mixed with water)-45°C antifreeze (1:1 mixed with water)-45°C antifreeze (1:1 mixed with water)
Amount of freeze-thaw cycle media charged(kg)906030
Refrigerator compressorComplete inlet closure 8.5HP5HP3HP
Specimen barrel size(mm)115×115×490115×115×490115×115×490
Heating power(kW)964.5
Maximum operating power(kW)1186
Overall dimensions(mm)1870×1370×10001870×1000×10001620×1000×1000
Цена: 99999 руб.
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