What muscle you will gain when you use Anavar?

What muscle you will gain when you use Anavar?

Anavar, like all anabolic steroids, is essentially an exogenous form of testosterone, so Anavar increases muscle mass.
Anavar rapidly promotes muscle growth and muscle tissue repair by increasing protein levels in cells through anabolism. The anabolic rate of Anavar is very high because the C atom replaces the O atom in the A ring, making Anavar resistant to the inactivation of the ligase 3α -hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase.
Anavar, as a synthetic oral non-aromatic testosterone derivative, has the benefit of producing lean muscle mass. Anavar does not aromatize, which means estrogen levels do not rise. As a result, BodyBuilder does not gain fat, moisture or become bloated, making the added muscle look drier and more aesthetically pleasing.
Women generally experienced better muscle gain than men on Anavar, even with a small dose (5mg) of supplementation.

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Anavar\\\'s strength boosting ability is mainly due to its exogenous testosterone, whereas Anavar, as an oral steroid, gently and steadily builds muscle, does not create excessive muscle mass, nor does it produce weak muscle mass.
As a mild steroid, Anavar does not cause excessive muscle mass and is preferred by female bodybuilding.

Anavar, as a synthetic oral non-aromatic testosterone derivative, has only 5% male activity compared to testosterone, making it less likely that Anavar will cause female masculinity or increased female features in male bodies, as other steroids do.
Because Anavar is already a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which means it is not converted to DHT by 5-alpha reductase, it has mild androgenic properties, making it a typical thermo-compound steroid with few side effects at normal doses and more suitable for female.

Цена: 6 руб.
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