Oral Steroids Powder Methenolone Acetate for sale chemical information

Oral Steroids Powder Methenolone Acetate for sale chemical information

Methenolone Acetate powder
Other Name:Primobolan
Purity:99% HPLC
Packing:10g,100g,500g and 1kg
Min Order: Powder---10gram, Oil---100ml
Payment:Bitcoin,USDT and Bitcoin
Lead time:24hours after received payment
Safe shipping to US and most of Europe country

Primobolan /Methenolone acetate
Product Name:Primobolan, Primobolan S, Primonabol, Nibal
Cas no.:434-05-9
Taken Method:Oral and Injection

Usage:Androgens and anabolic steroids (AAS) were introduced for medical use in 1961 and introduced in the United States in 1962. Bodybuilder uses it to increase lean muscle mass, prevent muscle atrophy, and increase physical strength and strength.
Characteristic:Primobolan is considered to be one of the safest anabolic steroids because of its moderate anabolic effect and weak androgenicity and no risk of estrogen effect or liver injury. Therefore, it can be safely used by male and female bodybuilders.

Cas 434-05-9
Цена: 6 руб.
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Информация по Oral Steroids Powder Methenolone Acetate for sale chemical information предоставлена компанией-поставщиком Wuhan Demeikai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».
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