How about primobolan for women?

How about primobolan for women?

The dose of female primobolan enanthate is 50-100mg/week. In this dose, women can avoid the masculinity of androgen to the greatest extent.
Because everyone has different sensitivity to hormones, although some people may have masculinized symptoms at this dose level, most people do not.
Regardless of the total dose, for most female bodybuilders, 4-6 weeks of circulation is enough. Because the cycle of the female bodybuilder is short, women generally do not choose the methenolone acetate cycle, but take the methenolone acetate orally. Oral methenolone acetate is not as effective as methenolone acetate, but it is easier to control.
Primobolan enanthate injection by passes the liver decomposition after oral administration, so it has a higher survival rate, that is, higher bioavailability. Therefore, men prefer Methenolone enhate.
Methenolone enanthate is a mild anabolic steroid, which can produce good effects in low doses. Therefore, after selecting a dose that is suitable for you, you do not need to blindly increase the dose in order to pursue the effect. You should also observe the cycle and avoid using it for a long time. When the endogenous testosterone secretion starts to slow down after the body building cycle is completed for one week, the use of primobolan enanthate should be stopped to reduce the risk of side effects.

Цена: 6 руб.
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