Injection Methenolone Enanthate/Primobolan Steroid Liquid 100mg/ml

Injection Methenolone Enanthate/Primobolan Steroid Liquid 100mg/ml

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Methenolone Enanthate powder
Other Name:Primobolan
Purity:99% HPLC
Packing:10g,100g,500g and 1kg
Min Order: Powder---10gram, Oil---50ml
Payment:Bitcoin,Moneygram and Wester Union
Lead time:24hours after received payment
Safe shipping to US and most of Europe country
Methenolone Enanthate/primobolan

Product name: Methenolone Enanthate
Other Name:primobolan
MF: C27H42O3
MW: 414.62
CAS: 13425-31-5
EINECS: 206-141-6
Appearance:white or off-white crystalline powder
Purity: 99%
Packing: sample 10g,100g500g,1kg
Storage: Shading, confined preservation

Methenolone enanthate function:
Methenolone enanthate is a very popular option particularly for athletes leaning out and attempting to maintain as much muscle as possible during calorie restriction. Many competitive bodybuilders would not consider a pre-contest stack with out the addition of primobolan steroid. It is an anabolic steroid , widely used in the new metabolism , prevention of osteoporosis and so on .

Protein assimilatio , the protein hormone assimilation strong activity of the liver, and the small toxicity . Primobolan steroid is a dihydrotestosterone based anabolic steroid , Primobolan Enanthate is an ester derivative of methenolone sold commonly under the brand name primobolan , Primobolan Enanthate is used by people who are very susceptible to estrogenic aide effect , having lower estrogenic properities than nandrolone, methenolone , in form of enanthate and acetate , Primobolan has no estrogenic side effects and its effects on cholesterol , Primobolan is also not overly suppressive of the HPTA axis , for this reason , mang bodybuilder use primobolan steroid in between steroid cycles .

MF: C27H42O3
CAS: 13425-31-5
Цена: 7 руб.
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